Lets add your beautiful life into your bed and share it with your love one. Create your own headboard to make your bed more than just a place to sleep, suit to reflect your personality and the style of your room. It's cheap, chic and attractive. At the end of the day, you'll be sleeping pretty....
wahhh comel2 nya... bila la i can do something like that for my room agaknya ehhehe
Comelkan.. I love it all..
wow... what a co-incidence. i bet that we have the same magazine- better homes and gardens spring/summer 2003 issue ~ 100 decorating ideas under $100. on my post some time in march '06, i posted some pics of my version too. check out and tell me of what do you think. for me, ok lar kot :D
yes.. yes.. I love the magazine.. Best kan! Nanti I check it out your version..
i nak decorate2 mcm tu tunggu ada new house la kot ehehehe bila la tu agaknya :)
Kalau nak my room jadi seindah secantik dan se-lain nya, kena la I stop "production line" I, baru boleh belek bilik I.. now ni, ya ampun... apa yg takde dalam my room.. dari botol susu ke penyapu smapah, macam-macam ada....
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