Monday, December 11, 2006

Changing Faces

Address your skin's needs as u age.......

In your 20's, since cell turnover is at its best, your complexion should be in optimum condition after undergoing major changes in the teenage years. If your skin is functioning properly, a basic skincare regime is sufficient. Avod soaps as they have a dehydrating effect. Toner and moisturise after cleasing. Don't use moisturiser on eye areas, use proper eye cream if/as needed. It's never too early to start using eye cream...

In your 30's, cell turnover and sebum production decrease and lines and wrinkles become more obvious. Exfoliate your skin at least twice a week and use a hydrating mask once a week. Use eye-cream at night and in the morning as part of your skincare regime.Pigmentation problems are common during these years as the skin become less efficient at manufacturing melanin. Brown patches known as melasma or chloasma can appear around the eyes, lips, cheeks and forehead during pregnancy, or as a result of hormonal changes, exposure to sun or taking contraceptive pills.

In your 40's, the protective film on the skin's surface become less effective at retaining moisture. This causes a much higher percentage of water loss, which leads to dryness. Use treatment products as part of daily skincare regime.Fine lines, wrinkles, broken veins and dull skin can be made less apparent with regular facials. Increase your intake of antioxidants by eating fresh fruits and vegetables and taking proper supplements to ensure good nutrients to you skin and body.

Sun or age spots on the face can be treated using treatment products such as spot treatment, intensive repair serum, vitamin c and wild yam.

In your 50's, cell turnover decreases by almost 50%, the production of sebum for natural hydration slows down and the skin's outer layer become less resilient. After menopause, oestrogen (the skin's youth hormone) production slows down and the skin become much drier. Oestrogen diminishes collagen (the skin's sctructural support system), making the skin thinner. Using products containing AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) is believed to boost the production of collagen. Look for moisture rich products. Ensure that you drink sufficient amounts of clean treated water daily.


kimi azhan said...


looks like I nak kena invest on hydrating mask pulak le.. yg lain2 tu insya Allah I dah cuba amalkan... of course using the cheapest product i can afford le! Mana larta nak guna yg mahal2 nih.. anak ramai mehhhhhh..

Leilanie said...

drinking loads of water is always good, kan.........
I trying to keep to that regime to ensure that I don't get too dehydrated....

Thank you for the tips.

D.N.A.S said...

Ni yang best ada beauty consultant in the house nih... Hmmm... my pores are too obvious la, apa nak buat, ek?

Anonymous said...

kimi: Artistry pun tak mahal mana, worth for money sbb self use, lama tahan.... at least 6mths...

Leilanie: yups... kalau byk minum air tu can see skin glowing :)

Dnas: Banyakkan scrub and use proper products... And of coz facial...

Ladies, why dun we have monthly facial by yours truly... Special price ;) Just a suggestion... Coz I know facial is good for our skin...